AKOMPLICE (We almost killed Patrick)
December 18, 2014Last fall RIDE Snowboards colabed with Akomplice on a board, boot and outerwear piece so Patrick came out to Seattle for the catalog shoot that we had set up at a wrecking yard. The idea was to set up the AK logo on fire with a bunch of wrecked cars and parts like a bomb went off or something. Patrick thought it would be cool to stand on the car behind the logo for a shot and the art director stood out of the frame with a bucket of gasoline to throw on the logo to really set it off. I don’t think any of us realized how big it was gonna be but the flames were right up in is face. Patrick was in a car accident when he was younger and has a back issue so he can’t move quickly or take any sort of vibrations so jumping off the car or moving out of the way was not an option. He had to stand there and take it til the gas burnt off. It was sketchy for a minute but there were no real injuries so it’s funny now.